Emmaus Bible Fellowship is an independent Bible-believing church. We have chosen the name Emmaus Bible Fellowship to describe our identity as a congregation.
It is our prayer that, like the two men on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35, we, too, will walk with the risen Christ in intimate communion; that He will open our eyes to see how He is revealed in all the Scriptures; that our hearts will burn with holy devotion to Him; and that we will go forth to give testimony to His resurrection. We identify ourselves as a Bible church because we proclaim the Scriptures as God’s infallible, inerrant revelation to mankind and because we embrace them as our sole authority for faith and practice. Furthermore, we have chosen the word “Fellowship” to emphasize the reality that our life as a church is truly a communion with God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, and that this communion unites us together in a living spiritual communion with one another in His body (1 John 1:3).